Dairy milk vs. alternatives

Dairy milk vs. alternatives

Global insights platform Canvas8 invited us to comment on why dairy and plant-based milk brands are at loggerheads and explain the confusion it’s causing consumers. We gave our opinion on how brands can rise above the ‘milk wars’, grow share and innovate in an ever-more saturated market.

Insights centred around milk shaming culture in the UK and US, the influence of social media, and increasingly health-driven and eco-conscious consumers:

“Gen Z prioritises different values to Boomers, with sustainability and purpose much higher on the agenda,” says Alexandra Hayes, co-founder of global food consultancy Harris and Hayes. “So it’s natural that they feel more shame around consuming dairy generally and the environmental footprint that goes with that.”

“Gen Z is used to having alternative milks available to them so it feels less of a ‘switch’ and more of an obvious, ‘better’ option,” says Hayes. A 2023 survey, for example, found only 8% of Gen Zers report purchasing conventional cow’s milk.

“We live increasingly digital lives and each everyday decision that we make (and share) says something about us,” says Hayes. “While dairy milk is one of the most produced and valuable commodities worldwide, it’s an increasingly fragmented market with a plethora of options to suit every tribe.”

When asked how brands should create products that align with a new hyper-aware consumer base, where 71% of global consumers check food labels every time they shop, we suggested three core principles:

“Innovate with risk-innovation that’s affordable, relevant and sustainable,” says Hayes. “Brands that supply own-label (or can compete with own-label prices) will continue to do well as cost of living and inflation pressures continue.” It’s important to acknowledge that 35% of shoppers are buying into both parts of the market (both dairy and non-dairy milk) so there’s opportunity within both.

Read the full Canvas8 milk trends report here

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